Mrs. Johnson's class is thankful for parents who help support our classrooms! #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes

It's finally here! Can't wait to see you!
Book Fair hours for September 11-14 are from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm

Peek at the week

PTA MEETING on September 25th

Enjoying our outdoor picnic area in the morning ☀️

We need volunteers at the primary for our book fair! Your kiddo will be so excited to see you working at the school! Please complete the volunteer paper work here:https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3476/csisd/2661552/23-24_Volunteer_Forms.pdf. asap to be an approved volunteer and then sign up for the book fair here: https://fall-book-fair-primary.cheddarup.com

The Book Fair starts September 8th at 12:30. Set up your student's eWallet so they can come shop on Friday. Book Fair hours for September 11-14 are from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm.

Title 1 Parent Meeting

Take a peek at our week!

Learning about our 5 senses. #ourWHY

Join us for Grandparents Night!

Please set up your student's eWallet for the book fair. A flyer will come home this week explaining how to set it up. Be sure you are on the Primary Book Fair site.

Primary Peek at the week for the week of 8/28!
The Fall Book Fair is coming to the Primary school! Please use the link to sign up to Volunteer!
Book Fair Link for the Primary: http://www.scholastic.com/bf/chinaspringprimary2

Book Fair coming to the Primary!

Ice Cream on Thursdays!

The Primary Book Fair is coming soon! The dates are September 8 - September 14. Check out our book fair page for information and to set up eWallets:

Color Days for the Week

I hope that everyone had a great weekend!

Parent Information Night, Aug. 28

Today we welcomed back our incredible Reading Buddy Volunteers! These faithful volunteers inspire and encourage a love of reading in our students! We are thankful for our reading buddies! #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes