Peek at the Week 3/17
CSP is made 4 me!
Welcome back!! We hope you had a wonderful spring break!
Come to the front office to sign-up to be a Watch D.O.G.!
GT Noms are open for grades K-1 until March 21. Here is the link to nominate If your child has already been nominated/tested this school year, they cannot be tested again.
Monday: St. Patrick’s Day! Wear Green!! |
Tuesday: Spring Individual Picture Day! Dress your BEST! |
Wednesday: College Shirt Day! |
Thursday: First Day of Spring Kick-Off for Read-a-Thon |
Friday: Last day of the 3rd 9 Weeks! We have SCHOOL! Pre-K Flips Field Trip Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Bagley, and Mrs. Cordova Field Trip to Urban Air PJ DAY! Kona Ice! Paleo Bones Experience |
Looking Ahead |
03/24: First day of 4th 9 Weeks 03/26: Report Cards Go Home 03/27: Kindergarten Graduation Pictures (there are no make-ups for these) 03/28: No School! 04/03: Kona Ice Day 04/03: Paraprofessional Day 04/03: School Librarian Day 04/04: No School! 04/07-04/11: AP Appreciation Week! 04/07: SBDM meeting @ 4:30pm 04/08: Pre-K and Kindergarten Round-up 04/11: No School! 04/15: 1st Grade Rehearsal 04/16: 1st Grade Rehearsal 04/17: Easter Egg Hunt 04/17: 1st Grade Rehearsal 04/17: 1st Grade Program @ the PAC 6:00 pm- Caldwell, Fuller, Kuykendall, Porter, and Greer 7:15 pm- Lambert, Johnson, Wyatt, Stafford, and Vaughn 04/18: Good Friday! No School! 04/22: School Bus Driver Day 04/23: Admin. Assistant’s Day 04/24: First Grade Field Trip 04/24: Public School Volunteer Recognition Day 04/25: No School! 05/1: School Lunch Hero Day 05/01: Principal’s Day 05/02: No School! 05/05-05/08: Teacher Appreciation Week 05/09: No School! 05/13: Career Day 05/15: Fun Day! 05/15: Kona Ice Day 05/16: No School! 05/19: Speech Pathologist Day 05/21: College Shirt Day 05/22: Tug of War 05/22: Kinder Grad. Rehearsal 05/23: No School! 05/26: No School! 05/27: Kinder Grad. Rehearsal 05/27: Kinder Graduation 05/29: Perfect Attendance Party 05/30: Early Release! Last Day of School! End of 4th 9 Weeks! 05/30: Class Parties! 05/30: PJ Day! |
You can always look ahead on the calendar as well!!! |