Peek at the Week

Peek at the Week 9/30

  CSP is made 4 me!

We need donations for upcoming Math Night!!! Any help is greatly appreciated! (this list items may be dropped office) (items purchased from the list will be shipped directly to the school)

Thank you!!!!






College Shirt Day (wear a college shirt!)





Western Day! (Dress Western)




We have school!!!!

Wear PJS!!!

Creature Teacher is coming to the Primary!!!!

Last Day of 1st 9 Weeks!!!!


Looking Ahead

10/7: 2nd 9 weeks

10/8:Picture Day

10/9: Report Cards Go Home

10/10: Cujo Pictures( for Homecoming take a picture with the mascot)

10/11: No School! Homecoming Game @ the High School

10/15: Math Night 5:30-6:30

10/18: No School!

10/23: 50th Day of School

10/24: Western Belle Farm Field Trip Kinder and First

10/25: Parent/Teacher Conferences

10/28-31: Red Ribbon Week

10/28:Wear Red

10/29: Wear Tie-Dye or Bright Colors

10/30: Crazy Hair or Hat and/or Crazy socks

10/31: Halloween Costume (nothing scary and nothing covering face)

10/31: Trick or Treat @ the admin building

10/31: Trunk or Treat during the school day

10/31: Kona Ice

11/1: No School

11/5: Election Day (mock election with candy on campus)

11/7: Parent Thanksgiving Lunch (more information to come)

11/8: Teacher Work Day/ No School

11/11: Veteran’s Day wear red, white and blue

11/11-11/14: World Kindness Day

11/13: Kona Ice

11/14: Cougar Dash Kick Off

You can always look ahead on the calendar as well!!!