Peek at the Week

Peek at the Week 9/9

  CSP is made 4 me!


PTA Meeting @ 6:00 at the Primary

Book Fair


 Book Fair




Book Fair





 Book Fair

Grandparent’s Night -(there will be games to play and then the Book Fair will be open as well as the Kona Ice truck will be out front)

PreK & K: 5:00-6:15

1st Grade: 6:15-7:30




No School!


Looking Ahead

9/16: Dot Day wear dots

9/20: Staff Development

9/26: Johnny Apple Seed Day! Celebrating

10/2: College Shirt Day

10/3: Western Day (wear western clothes)

10/4: We have School!

10/4: PJ Day

10/4: Creature Teacher (program about animals)

10/4:  Last day of 1st 9 weeks!

10/7: 2nd 9 weeks

10/8:Picture Day

10/9: Report Cards Go Home

10/10: Cujo Pictures( for Homecoming take a picture with the mascot)

10/11: No School! Homecoming Game @ the High School


You can always look ahead on the calendar as well!!!